Can I control my screens over different subnets?

Can I control my screens over different subnets?

We recommend that your zero clients are on the same LAN and subnet, however we also realize that this is not always possible.

The Server relies on UDP broadcast to discover the devices. This is based not on Multicast, but Unicast between the host PC and the zero clients, which are connected to the display screens. There is a use of Broadcast, but this is only used during the discovery of the devices stage. After they are discovered and assigned to the host PC, it's a TCP/IP unicast session.

Firstly allow these broadcast to go though: (The ports must be opened specifically)

Target UDP ports are 52330 and 52340.

Please note:
It's required to enable broadcasts between the two subnets ( with the above ports, and it has to be set as bi-directional, otherwise it won't work.

The assignment operation is done through UDP unicast on the same UDP ports.

The data is transmitted over TCP: setup the network to allow these TCP packets.

The devices listens to 4660 TCP

Last step is to change a the Registry Key:

Path: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Generic\Network USB Service\
Value: ConnectDifferentSegment
Set the value to 1 to allow for connecting clients on different network segment. Default is set to 0.

We've added here a REG file you can download and run which will apply the same modification on the registry in order to enable this option. Simply download the file and double-click on it.