Step-by-Step Guide to Adding New Launchers in MAWi - Monitors AnyWhere

How to add a new Launcher in MAWi


One of the most helpful features of MAWi is the ability to create and add launchers, which are essentially shortcuts that allow you to quickly launch applications, files, and websites on your displays. 

In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of adding launchers to your MAWi setup, so you can make the most of this powerful feature. 

How to add a new launcher in MAWi

To add an application as a launcher in MAWi, begin by accessing the Admin panel and selecting "Manage Launchers".
From there, input the full path to the executable file of the desired application, such as Microsoft Excel.
Once you have added the path, create a new entry by clicking on the disk icon on the right side of the screen, and then save your changes.

1. It's important to note that MAWi allows you to add any type of application to the launcher list, giving you greater flexibility and control over your displays.

2. You have the option to add an icon to the launcher in MAWi.
This can help you quickly identify the application you want to launch, especially if you have multiple launchers. To add an icon, click on the "Edit" button next to the launcher you want to modify, and then click on the "Choose file" button to select the desired icon. Once you have selected the icon, click "Save" to apply the changes. This simple step can greatly improve the organization and usability of your Monitors Anywhere setup.


The difference between Common Launcher and Local Launcher

There are two types of launchers available in MAWi:
Common Launcher and Local Launcher.

The main difference between the two lies in how MAWi searches for the executable file of the application you want to launch.

Common Launcher, a default application is installed at the same path on every MAWi Agent.
MAWi will always search for the executable file at the same path on every location

Local Launcher is a specific application that is installed only on the Agent that is selected as the location.
MAWi will search for the executable file on the specific path that was provided for that particular location. This approach allows for greater customization and flexibility, as you can choose different applications for different locations.