With the MAWi Player you can have multiple screens to output the same audio channel.
Please note: At the moment it's not possible to have a dedicated audio channel per MAWi Player.
1. Make sure the MAWi Player is running the spacedesk app with a version greater than 0.9.95:
Open the MAWi Dashboard >
Go to the Admin Panel >
Display config tool >
Select your location >
In the Available devices, select a device and hover with the mouse to see its version build:
2. If it's lower than 0.9.95, download the latest APK from
this link.Upgrade the device by selecting the Settings icon >
Click on the settings icon near the Update spacedesk :
Browse and select the latest APK you've downloaded >
Select Upload to upgrade the system:
3. Once upgraded and working with the latest version, please re-assign the device to the current location:
Set the output audio device
You should be able to see a new audio device in your Windows operating system:
Set the Spacedesk virtual speaker as the primary audio device and from that point, all played content will output its audio channel on the MAWi Players devices.