How to output audio with the MAWi Player

How to output audio with the MAWi Player


With the MAWi Player you can have multiple screens to output the same audio channel.

Please note: At the moment it's not possible to have a dedicated audio channel per MAWi Player.


1.  Make sure the MAWi Player is running the spacedesk app with a version greater than 0.9.95:

Open the MAWi Dashboard >
Go to the Admin Panel >
Display config tool >
Select your location >
In the Available devices, select a device and hover with the mouse to see its version build:

2. If it's lower than 0.9.95, download the latest APK from this link.
Upgrade the device by selecting the Settings icon >
Click on the settings icon near the Update spacedesk :

Browse and select the latest APK you've downloaded > 
Select Upload to upgrade the system:

3. Once upgraded and working with the latest version, please re-assign the device to the current location:

Set the output audio device

You should be able to see a new audio device in your Windows operating system:

Set the Spacedesk virtual speaker as the primary audio device and from that point, all played content will output its audio channel on the MAWi Players devices.