MAWi Server IP address has changed - how do I set it up with the new IP?

MAWi Server IP address has changed - how do I set it up with the new IP?

How to set up MAWi Server with a new IP address?

We strongly recommend to setup the MAWi server with a static IP address to avoid downtimes.

In case your MAWi Server changed its IP address, please follow the steps below:

1. In the MAWi Server side, please go to this folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Monitors AnyWhere\Common

2. Run SetCurrentIP.bat script with Admin rights:

3. Restart your PC.

4. In the MAWi Client side,  right-click on the icon in the taskbar and press 'Settings':

5. Enter your new IP address and press 'Save':

You will probably need to re-login again with your Admin credentials:

Right-click on the MAWi client icon, select 'Log out', once done, it will show this window -

Re-login and your screens should appear on the MAWi management console.