MAWi Spacewall - Troubleshooting the issue of screens that are showing in black and white colors

MAWi Spacewall - Troubleshooting the issue of screens that are showing in black and white colors


If running an older version of the Spacedesk driver, after one year of using the older version the screen's color may revert from a colored view to monochromatic view:

In this guide we will walk you through the steps of upgrading to the newer version of the driver and fix your screen's coloring issue. 

Step 1: Upgrade the driver version

Go to the link below and download the latest version of the spacedesk driver:

64bit operating systems:
32bit operating systems:

Once downloaded, run the executable file and upgrade your driver.

Step 2: Re-assign the MAWi Player devices

In case the devices got disconnected for some reason here is how to re-assign them:

Open the MAWi management console, go to the Admin panel >
Display Config Tool >
Select your Location >
In the 'Available Devices' - select all >
Re-assign the devices:

All the devices should appear now in the Extended desktop mode and will appear with full colors again.

Step 3: Restarting the MAWi Agent

From the Dashboard view, select the refresh button to initiate a restart of the agent's process on the machine: