Using HYPER-V, Zero Clients keeps on disconnecting
Our system requires continuous connectivity between the host
PC/VM and the zero clients. Since the default configuration for Hyper-V is
usually set to Shared, that can cause issues as you've encountered.
In those cases, I would recommend changing the setting of
your network card from Shared to Bridged.
Standard Bridged Networking
- Start the Hyper-V Manager and click Virtual Switch Manager
- Select External and click Create Virtual Switch
- Enter Bridged or similar to identify this network as being on your physical network
- Select the correct network adapter under External network, this should be an active network card, i.e. one that is connected to your network and your host is using.
- If you only have one network card, verify that Allow management operating system to share this network adapter.
- If you have multiple network cards, and want to use this card exclusively for VMs, uncheck Allow management operating system to share this network adapter.
- Click OK and the new virtual switch will be created.
- Verify that you don’t have any ongoing network tasks before clicking yes, as your network connection will likely be disrupted when the virtual switch is created.
- This will create a network adapter under Network Connections called vEthernet (name_used), in this case, vEthernet (Bridged)