Last update: 3rd of July, 2023
This manual provides step-by-step guidance for executing an offline installation of MAWi Agent.
It proves particularly beneficial in situations where network restrictions prevent the downloading of necessary components or if the computer lacks an internet connection.
MAWi Agent is typically employed in three key scenarios:
1. MAWi Zero - This involves utilizing HDMI over LAN zero clients as the endpoints.
2. MAWi Spacewall - This use case involves the application of AV over IP android-based devices like the MAWi Player.
3. MAWi Standalone - This is when mini PCs operating on Windows 10/11 are used as the endpoints.
For each connectivity option you will need to run a different process.
Please follow the steps below when using MAWi Zero:
1. Download and install the latest OSBASE from the link below:
2. Download and install the latest Network USB Utility from the link below:
3. Download and install the MAWi Agent from this link:
Please follow the steps below when using the MAWi Spacewall:
1. Download and install the spacedesk driver:
2. Download the Platform tools zip file:
Unzip the file into your machine's C drive, into Apps folder:
All the files should be extracted into this folder format:
3. Download and install the MAWi Agent from this link:
Please follow the steps below when using the MAWi Standalone:
Download and install the MAWi Agent from this link:
Additional apps
PowerPoint Viewer
To run multiple presentations on multiple screens, start by downloading the Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer from the link below:
Here, download both of these files:
Begin by installing the PowerPoint Viewer from the first link, then proceed to install SP2 from the second link.
Please use the guide below that will walk you through the steps for playing a PPT file on your screens:
VLC - Videos and Images
Start by downloading the VLC Media Player from the link below:
After installing the VLC player, use the guide below to play multiple video files and images on multiple screens: